Website Hosting Services

Best Hosting Packages

The shared web page hosting companies indeed differ from each other. In spite of having been in the web space hosting market for quite a while, not many website hosting solution distributors provide a lot of server farm facility options for their precious clientele. Albeit its limited dimensions, 'Exclusive Hosting' offers 4 impressive server farm places: the United States of America, England, Sweden and Australia. You can host domain name-only user accounts or shared web hosting packages in all of the above-described data center facilities. The more cutting-edge semi-dedicated and dedicated server hosting are available exclusively in the American datacenter.

Feature Overview Hosting Semi-Dedicated Dedicated Servers
Monthly Price
Hosting Space Unlimited Unlimited 240 GB
Hosting Traffic Unlimited Unlimited 10 TB
CPU Usage 5% 100% 100%
Dedicated RAM N/A N/A 4 GB
MySQL Databases 1 Unlimited Unlimited
Hosted Domains 1 Unlimited Unlimited
FTPs 5 Unlimited Unlimited
Mailbox Accounts 500 Unlimited Unlimited
Full Root Access
Shell Access (SSH) Optional
One-click App Installer 2
Hepsia Control Panel
cPanel Control Panel

CPU Usage 1 - The central processing unit resource allowance is dependent on the respective virtual web hosting server package.

One-click App Installer 2 - Brought only by the Hepsia hosting Control Panel.